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Friday, July 11, 2014

Dream BIG Dreams

I was at an Advocare event last night and one line that I heard that impacted me was, "Dream big dreams."

Most of us have forgotten how to dream.

Picture little kids. You ask them that they want to be when they grow up and there is no filter. They will tell you straight away. They have dreams. Nothing holds them back from dreaming.

Then the barriers and the struggles come. Slowing but surely we forget how to dream. We forget how to set our sites on something that we cannot see.

Be become afraid to lose site of the shore.

It is sad.

So may quick message to you today is to dream again. Learn to dream again in a way that empowers you and those around you. Learn to dream again so that you can achieve more and be more.

When we started our AdvoCare business a little over 2 years ago we had forgotten how to dream.

Teresa went off to work at a job that she hated 4 days per week. She left at 7am and came back after 7pm. It was awful because she was stressed out and miserable.

We were broke and living in a one bedroom apartments. I had gottne mysefl addicted to Monster Energy drinks.

We decided to start to dream again and we DECIDED to change our lives.

We defined a purpose and we got to work. We didn't know what to do. We also didn't accept the excuses that we could have accepted. We just started to dream.

The road hasn't been smooth. There have been plenty of challenges.

Today we are dreaming again. Today we are building something that is going to make us free in so many ways and it going to allow us to live our dreams. Today we are difference makers.

The most important decision that we have ever made was to learn to dream again.

Was it easy to make that choice? Hell no! 

But we did it! We have gone against the grain and we have grown as people and we have helped others do the same.

Something like Advocare may not be for you. 

But what if it is?

What if you have forgotten how to dream but you want to dream again? You want to dream BIG dreams. You want to create and be more.

It's starts by dreaming. In continues by believing that dream. Then you act and your life will be forever changed.

My message today is short. It is sweet and it is something that could mean the world to you.

Dream BIG dreams. Take responsibility and do whatever it takes to succeed. You owe it to yourself and you owe it to your family. You are more. You will be more. Walk tall and DREAM BIG DREAMS.

When we started our AdvoCare business my coach, a guy we call Z, told me he was earning $30,000 per month. When I heard that something clicked in my. I said, "If he can do it then I can do it."

We are on our way because we have big dreams and we aren't scared to dream even bigger dreams.

I hope you got value out of this post today and it made you think a little. Does the opportunity to join our team and learn how you can make money with AdvoCare sound like something you might want to explore? 

Again.... it may not be for you BUT WHAT IF IT IS? If you can carve out 40 minutes of your day and it you want to learn how to dream then click on the link and watch. Let me know if you have questions. You are literally one decision away from changing your life. Here is the link:

The last thing that I want to say is this: I believe in you. If you decide that you want to do something then make it a strong decision and and unwavering one. Feel confident that no matter what....

To your success! 
Rick Copley, Your Best Fitness Coach 
"Empowering YOU to be a champion

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