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Tuesday, July 22, 2014


I had a blog article planned out for this morning. I had already written it in my head.

A Facebook post changed my mind. I am a blogger. I have the right.

Today I am going to write like I write best.....from the heart.

If you want something you have to create the action for it to happen. Honestly think in your mind how often you say that you want something. A new car. A new pare of shorts....a new life.

We do this all the time. The real question is how often to we get off our asses and do something about it

My friend Mike couldn't fit on a roller coaster at Universal Studios. Going home disgusted he DECIDED that he was going to get into action. Action he took. Today he is 130 lbs lighter.

I have a new friend named Brittany. She needed to take a CPR class to do something that was very important to her. Trying to kneel down to give CPR to a dummy she realized she couldn't kneel down. That was 2 months ago. She hasn't missed a day of exercise since.
Follow Brittany on Instagram: @letsplaybarbies
Those are just two example of people that TOOK ACTION.

Are you talking about action? Are you dreaming about action? Are you wishing someone else is going to take action for you?

The message of today's blog is meant to be simple. It is meant to be short. It is meant to impact YOU.

Stop being the person that SAYS they want something. Be like Mike and be like Brittany.

Get your ass off the couch and get to work. You not going to win the lottery and the miracle cure for whatever ails you isn't coming. 

Your results are going to be 100% based on what actions you take.... RIGHT NOW.

Get to work.

Are you getting ready for a fall marathon? My wife and I are currently working with individuals on there training and nutrition. If you or someone you know is looking to run a fall marathon and want to do it right send me an email ( or call me on my personal cell (352-989-6795) and I will see if we can help in some way. 

Time for ACTION! 
Rick Copley, Your Best Fitness Coach 
"Empowering YOU to be a champion

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