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Monday, January 6, 2014

Simplicity is the key!

Want to spend 5-10 minutes and get a GREAT full body work-out?

Exercise doesn't have to be complex.

Check it out.

Pick 3 exercises. Do one repetition of each. Then 2 each then 3 then 4 all the way till 10. Should take you much more then 5-10 minutes depending on the exercises. If they are different then you should be gassed. Don't believe me? Try it!

Do you find some value here? If so or if you think someone you know might find this helpful please comment and share. We would appreciate that! 

Remember we still have the 23 minute recorded call up: "Fit in 14". Just dial 559-726.1099 code 342621 ref#25. You will learn some AMAZING stuff by listening to this call! 

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