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Monday, February 17, 2014


Going to talk about freedom for a few minutes today.

I heard a guy on a team call last night talk about having the freedom to volunteer at his kids school 7 times this year.

7 times.

How many days have you volunteered at your kids school?

It's something to think about. The question to ask is why? Well...for most of us it's because we have a job and we have obligations.... places we HAVE TO be.

Here is a quick video to share with you a story about freedom from my life. It's powerful.

It is our mission to EMPOWER you to be a champion. This could mean a lot of things. One way that we empower people to be champion is with the Advocare opportunity that we have taken advantage of.

It may not be for you...but what if it is?

If freedom is something that you like the sound of...

You know, working your own hours and writing your own pay check then maybe you should take a look at the Advocare opportunity and think about joining our team.

It may not be for you which is cool. But what do you have to lose if you take a look?

I am doing a quick webinar tonight at 9pm EST to talk about what Advocare really is. 

Will you join us to see if there is something there for you?

Introduction to Advocare Webinar9pm EST, Monday, February 17th, 559-726-1000 code 342621

No sign in. Just watch on the computer and listen on your phone. 

Let me know if you have any questions!

Yours in fitness,
Rick Copley, AdvoCare Gold 3-Star Independent Distributor
"Empowering YOU to be a champion

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